Phew! Day 20! The countdown is well and truly on in our house!
Take a few moments to see what treats have been shared with us today:
Lisa @ Books Lists Life
Sassymonkey @ Sassymonkey Reads
Molly @ My Cozy Book Nook
Rebecca @ Rebecca Reads
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 19
I spent some time at the shops this weekend, and I think I am almost done! Only one more difficult person to buy for, and one other present. How about you? Take some time out from your busy preparations and visit the following participants today:
Krissi @ LightingMyLight
Kaye @ The River Goes Ever Ever On
Lindy @ Virtual Advent
Debbie @ Readerbuzz
Leslie @ Under My Apple Tree
Saturday, December 18, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 18
The tour is moving quickly on towards the end. Only one week to go, and I know that I have loads of fantastic posts to catch up, including those we are visiting today!
Christina @ Chrisbookarama
Susan @ Medieval Women
Beth @ Beth Fish Reads
Kat @ Book Thingo
Friday, December 17, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 17
It will be another quick post today, mainly because I am one of the blogger's who is posting today! My fellow contributors will be:
Ana @ things mean a lot
Chris @ Stuff as Dreams are Made on
Boof @ The Book Whisperer
Now, I need to go and start my post!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 16
Today we have posts from all over, including from a blogger based in Japan! Enjoy.
Nat @ In Spring it is the Dawn
Melissa @ My Experiments in the Kitchen
Aaron @ Guy Gone Geek
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 15
Once the tour starts, it just seems to go so quickly! We are already up to day 15, and there are only 10 days to go! Today we are visiting with:
December 15:
December 15:
Pam @ Bookalicious
Sherry @ Semicolon
Sumana @ Books With a Cup of Coffee
Connelly-Ahern @ Col Reads
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 14
Here are the links for Tuesday December 14. Not long to go until the big day is here. Are you ready?
December 14:
December 14:
Julia @ A Piece of My Mind
Naida @ The Bookworm
Diana @ This Writing Life
Monday, December 13, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 13
We dropped the ball a little bit for a couple of days! Sorry, it's that time of year. If you haven't seen them already here are the links for Monday!
Tiina @ A Book Blog of One's Own
Lisabea @ Nose in a Book
Sprite @ Sprite Writes
Debbie @ The Friday Friends
wb @ wb32 reads
Sunday, December 12, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 12

Jane @ Life @ Number 8
Becky @ One Literature Nut
Michelle @ Galleysmith
Lorren @ The Story Girl
Miss Moppet @ The Misadventures of Moppet
Saturday, December 11, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 11
Today we have six stops on the advent tour! Enjoy!
Heather @ Capricious Reader
Maree @ just add books
Darren @ Bart's Bookshelf
Gwenelle @ Fuzzy Black Slippers and a Pink Hoodie
Renee Ann @ Doorkeeper
Friday, December 10, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 10
Today we not only have 5 fabulous bloggers for you to visit, but we are also featuring the Random Magic Tour: Winterlong. It is a bookish event running from the 10th to the 23rd and has lots of fun things going on.
Memory @ Stella Matutina
Margot @ Joyfully Retired
Rachel @ A Fair Substitute for Heaven
Sarah @ Writer, Reader, Dreamer
Nan @ That's All She Read
Thursday, December 9, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 9
The tour continues today with some great posts from the following participants:
Gretchen @ Scarlets Letters
Heather @ Capricious Reader
Darcy @ Foxed
GeraniumCat @ Geranium Cat's Bookshelf
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 8
Today we are visiting one of my blogging friends, Amy; a person that has participated before, Kerrie; and two people that are new to the tour. A nice assortment! I am looking forward to their posts!
Amy @ My Friend Amy
Kerrie @ Mysteries in Paradise
Tina @ Tina Says
Patti @ Peppermint Ph. D
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 7
The first week of the Virtual Advent is over with all ready! Time flies when you are having fun, I guess!
Today we have the pleasure of visiting these fine blogs. Enjoy!
raidergirl @ an adventure in reading
Colleen @ Lavender Lines
Tami @ Just One More Thing...
Bellezza @ Dolce Bellezza
Monday, December 6, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 6
Can you believe the first week on the tour is almost over already?
Today our Advent Tour treats come to us courtesy of:
Lexie @ Poisoned Rationality
Natasha @ Maw Books
Martha @ Hey, I want to read that
Carol @ Better is Possible
Sunday, December 5, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 5
Today we are visiting with the following bloggers! I look forward to seeing what they are sharing. I sepecially love that Iris's post links in with Leeswamme's post from yesterday!
Iris @ Iris on Books
Melissa @ Book Nut
Lesley @ Mysterious Adventures
Veronica @ The First Draft
Saturday, December 4, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 4
Day 4 of the Virtual Advent Tour - half way through the first week, and we have already had a host of treats served up to us as we visit all the participants blogs! Today, we are visiting with:

Judith @ Leeswammes
Amy @ A Faithful Journey
Kristen @ BookNAround
Melissa @ Jayne's Books
Can't wait!
Friday, December 3, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 3
Today is day 3 of this year's Virtual Advent Tour, and we have four fabulous bloggers who are going to share their holiday cheer for us today.
Jennifer @ Mrs. Q: Book Addict
Court @ Once Upon a Bookshelf
Cindy @ Nocturnal Wonderings
Kris @ Not Enough Books
It would be remiss of me if we didn't give an extra special cheer to Court who made our fabulous buttons for us again this year
Jennifer @ Mrs. Q: Book Addict
Court @ Once Upon a Bookshelf
Cindy @ Nocturnal Wonderings
Kris @ Not Enough Books
It would be remiss of me if we didn't give an extra special cheer to Court who made our fabulous buttons for us again this year
Thursday, December 2, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 2
What a fantastic start to the tour we had yesterday!
I am sure we are in for more of the same when we visit the following bloggers today:
I am sure we are in for more of the same when we visit the following bloggers today:
Amy @ Amy Reads
Jenn @ Jenn's Bookshelves
Jan @ Staying Awake
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
2010 Virtual Advent Tour: Day 1

It's time! Today is the first day of the 2010 Virtual Advent Tour! We are very excited to see what everyone shares this year!
Here is where we are stopping off today:
Cass @ Bonjour, Cass
Sally from Oz @ Books and Musing from Downunder
Billy Coffey @ What I Learned Today
Tracee @ Reviews from Here
Announcing the 2010 Virtual Advent Tour
Kailana from The Written World and Marg from Adventures of an Intrepid Reader are very pleased and excited to announce that we will once again be running the Virtual Advent tour this year. This is the fifth year that we have hosted and we hope that the event has become an integral part of the book blogging community's holiday traditions.
The Virtual Advent tour first started when we pondered why should the kids get all the fun of opening a box on the advent calendar and finding a treat in there, and how could we have some blogging fun with a similar concept? So the Virtual Advent tour was born.
Each day anyone who wants to participate takes turns sharing a treat with our friends here in blogland. For example it could be something about your family traditions, recipes, your country's holiday traditions, or a favourite Christmas memory, movie, book, song...anything you like. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas we would like to hear about what your family does during the holiday season, whether it be celebrating Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or whatever it is that you do during this time.
If you are interested in signing up, then please sign up using the Google form below. If you want a specific date, then please include that along with your name. If you don't need a specific date, then we will allocate a date to you. We will create a list of links so that as people express interest we will add them to the list, and then each day during the tour we will post a link directing visitors to the appropriate blog.
The tour will get away on Wednesday 1 December and run through until Friday December 24. If there are more people than there are days that's fine too.....the more the merrier! It just means that there will be more than one blog to visit on those days.
The Virtual Advent tour first started when we pondered why should the kids get all the fun of opening a box on the advent calendar and finding a treat in there, and how could we have some blogging fun with a similar concept? So the Virtual Advent tour was born.
Each day anyone who wants to participate takes turns sharing a treat with our friends here in blogland. For example it could be something about your family traditions, recipes, your country's holiday traditions, or a favourite Christmas memory, movie, book, song...anything you like. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas we would like to hear about what your family does during the holiday season, whether it be celebrating Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or whatever it is that you do during this time.
If you are interested in signing up, then please sign up using the Google form below. If you want a specific date, then please include that along with your name. If you don't need a specific date, then we will allocate a date to you. We will create a list of links so that as people express interest we will add them to the list, and then each day during the tour we will post a link directing visitors to the appropriate blog.
The tour will get away on Wednesday 1 December and run through until Friday December 24. If there are more people than there are days that's fine too.....the more the merrier! It just means that there will be more than one blog to visit on those days.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
2010 Tour Dates
December 1:
Cass @ Bonjour, Cass
Sally from Oz @ Books and Musings from Downunder
Billy Coffey @ What I Learned Today
Tracee @ Reviews From Here
December 2:
Amy @ Amy Reads
Jenn @ Jenn's Bookshelves
Jan @ Staying Awake
December 3:
Jennifer @ Mrs. Q: Book Addict
Court @ Once Upon a Bookshelf
Cindy @ Nocturnal Wonderings
Kris @ Not Enough Books
December 4:
Judith @ Leeswammes
Amy @ A Faithful Journey
Kristen @ BookNAround
Melissa @ Jayne's Books
December 5:
Iris @ Iris on Books
Melissa @ Book Nut
Lesley @ Mysterious Adventures
Veronica @ The First Draft
December 6:
Lexie @ Poisoned Rationality
Natasha @ Maw Books
Martha @ Hey, I want to read that
Carol @ Better is Possible
December 7:
raidergirl @ an adventure in reading
Colleen @ Lavender Lines
Tami @ Just One More Thing...
Bellezza @ Dolce Bellezza
December 8:
Amy @ My Friend Amy
Kerrie @ Mysteries in Paradise
Tina @ Tina Says
Patti @ Peppermint Ph. D
December 9:
Gretchen @ Scarlets Letters
Heather @ Capricious Reader
Darcy @ Foxed
GeraniumCat @ Geranium Cat's Bookshelf
December 10:
Memory @ Stella Matutina
Margot @ Joyfully Retired
Rachel @ A Fair Substitute for Heaven
Sarah @ Writer, Reader, Dreamer
Nan @ That's All She Read
December 11:
Maree @ just add books
Darren @ Bart's Bookshelf
Gwenelle @ Fuzzy Black Slippers and a Pink Hoodie
Renee Ann @ Doorkeeper
Heather @ Capricious Reader
December 12:
Jane @ Life @ Number 8
Becky @ One Literature Nut
Michelle @ Galleysmith
Lorren @ The Story Girl
Miss Moppet @ The Misadventures of Moppet
December 13:
Tiina @ A Book Blog of One's Own
Lisabea @ Nose in a Book
Sprite @ Sprite Writes
Debbie @ The Friday Friends
wb @ wb32 reads
December 14:
Julia @ A Piece of My Mind
Naida @ The Bookworm
Diana @ This Writing Life
December 15:
Pam @ Bookalicious
Sherry @ Semicolon
Sumana @ Books With a Cup of Coffee
Connelly-Ahern @ Col Reads
December 16:
Nat @ In Spring it is the Dawn
Melissa @ My Experiments in the Kitchen
Aaron @ Guy Gone Geek
December 17:
Ana @ things mean a lot
Chris @ Stuff as Dreams are Made on
Boof @ The Book Whisperer
December 18:
Christina @ Chrisbookarama
Susan @ Medieval Women
Beth @ Beth Fish Reads
Kat @ Book Thingo
December 19:
Krissi @ LightingMyLight
Kaye @ The River Goes Ever Ever On
Lindy @ Virtual Advent
Debbie @ Readerbuzz
Leslie @ Under My Apple Tree
December 20:
Lisa @ Books Lists Life
Sassymonkey @ Sassymonkey Reads
Molly @ My Cozy Book Nook
Rebecca @ Rebecca Reads
December 21:
Megan @ Po(sey) Sessions
Sam @ Sam Still Reading
Michelle @ The Christmas Spirit
December 22:
Eva @ A Striped Armchair
Suey @ It's All About Books
Caroline @ Beauty is a Sleeping Cat
Alexandra @ The Sleepless Reader
December 23:
Alleluialu @ Bookend Crossing
Cat @ Beyond Books
Becky @ Becky's Book Reviews
December 24:
Carl @ Stainless Steel Droppings
Kailana @ The Written World
Sara @ Wordy Evidence of the Fact
Sunday, November 14, 2010
2010 Advent Calendar Buttons
Welcome to another year of the Advent Calendar! This year we have three buttons for you to choose from for your posts and your sidebar, should you choose. Last year there were a couple requests for buttons for people that do not have snow, so hopefully everyone's needs are met. Once again the buttons are thanks to Court from Once Upon a Bookshelf. They are fantastic!

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